Dan Keenan

Dan Keenan

Dan Keenan, Senior Vice President, designs and implements retirement programmes in collaboration with public agencies and P. Keenan benefit consultants. His expertise is in planning, promoting, and implementing retirement plans and pension programmes that are tailored to the specific demands of public organisations. He has played a key role in the implementation of qualified early retirement plans, qualified defined benefit plans, and specialised individual life insurance programmes.

Dan began his career at AP Keenan in 1983, first in the Personnel Services Department. When the first early retirement plans were implemented in 1984, he moved to retirement planning and was instrumental in improving the implementation of early retirement plans by negotiating with carriers to obtain a guaranteed annuity product and improving the counselling and enrollment process.

Dan graduated from California State University, Long Beach receiving a degree in Business Administration with an emphasis in Human Resources.  He earned his Life Underwriters Training Counsel Fellow (LUTCF) in 1993 and his Certificate of Employee Benefits Specialist (CEBS) designation in 2013.

Connect with Dan on LinkedIn.

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