Dan Keenan

Daniel Keenan

Danny Keenan was born May 30, 1989, in San Francisco, California, and is now 6’2″.

He played football for Terra Nova High School in the position of “wide receiver” and became the team captain in 2007. Daniel Keenan came away with 25 catches and six touchdowns as a senior. 

Danny Keenan attended the College of San Mateo, catching five passes for 68 yards, including a long of 28.

During the summer of 2010, Daniel Keenan also saved a life while out with friends boating on the lake.

There was a loud thud, and when Danny Keenan realised what was going on, he just took off, diving off the back of the boat to where he had seen the man fall in.

“As soon as I dove in, I immediately opened my eyes and saw him,” Danny said. “He wasn’t moving at all.” He was completely unconscious and sinking pretty fast.

Daniel swam down about 12 feet and pulled the man back up to the surface, where others helped him get the still-unconscious victim back on the boat.

Daniel Keenan was majoring in physical therapy. Let’s hope he graduated and carried on saving lives. 

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